She was a pupil of Omagh High School. A personal reflection read ... from a car loaded with explosives in the middle of a main street on a sunny, Saturday afternoon in the sure knowledge that ...
On the wall of Omagh High School is a memorial plaque to 5 former ... a large car bomb exploded in the town's main street during peak Saturday shopping. More than 200 people are injured in the ...
The inquiry heard that Ms Cartwright, a former pupil of Omagh High School, had just completed ... the bomb warning and was walking down Market Street when the device exploded.
She was a former pupil at Omagh High School and was studying for her ... He had been caught up in the blast that happened on the same street that he was born on 61 years earlier.
The inquiry heard Samantha had been studying at Strabane College at the time of her death, having left Omagh High School ... worked at a shop on Market Street in Omagh and was known for her ...