With global hunger and environmental crises, our focus needs to be on Earth, our “cradle,” as the Quran puts it.
Kellie Gerardi of Jupiter, is her own kind of astronaut, one who marries science and sparkle and who wants to show other ...
"Starman" peels away the layers of our cynicism to connect us with the feeling we had when space beheld a mystery that felt ...
Tiny grains collected from the asteroid Ryugu have given scientists a new window into the magnetic forces that shaped the ...
Mars, its surface marked by canals ... traces our century-long fear and desire to make contact with life from outer space, it does so with a winking acknowledgement of how much this fundamentally ...
The most significant change since those 1970's experiments were conducted was the discovery of high levels of perchlorate on Mars. Perchlorate, plus abiotic oxidants, explains the Viking results and ...
"With Mars sample return on the horizon and the ... discussion of sample return or astronaut return from Mars. "The Outer Space Treaty prohibits 'adverse changes in the environment of the Earth ...
Within the next decade, space agencies plan to bring samples of rock from Mars to Earth for study. Of concern is the possibility these samples contain life, which could have unforeseen consequences.
A new method to detect life in ancient rocks could help analyze Mars samples and determine if life once existed on the red ...
Jumping Workouts Could Help Astronauts on the Moon and Mars, Study in Mice Suggests Feb ... Can Prevent the Increasing Militarization of Outer Space July 10, 2024 — There is a pressing need ...