Massage your legs with a muscle-relaxing essential oil, such as lavender oil, for immediate relief from period discomfort.
Endometriosis is a disease in which tissue like that lining the uterus – known as the endometrium – grows outside of the ...
The best prevention and treatment for pregnant women is abdomen-strengthening exercise, with surgery reserved for those who ...
Having a headache is one thing, but adding other symptoms on top of that like new vision changes, numbness, tingling, ...
A doctor has shared a video online explaining everything you need to know about uterine fibroids, including the symptoms to ...
The virus, which can trigger seizures and make women bleed from their vagina, also causes difficulty breathing, vomiting, ...
Discover the chronic health complications of uterine fibroids beyond heavy periods, from anemia to fertility concerns, and ...
Damage or injury to nerves causes a painful condition called neuropathy. This article reviews the safety and evidence behind ...
Like men, women also suffer from low libido, skin problems like dry skin, and digestive distress, warns Dr Manisha Tomar.
The NHS has issued a warning about the potential hazards of ibuprofen, advising those with certain symptoms such as a runny ...
On Endometriosis Awareness Month, we talked to an expert to debunk some common myths and misconceptions surrounding the condition.