Mysuru: The forest department, in collaboration with NGOs, has launched a drive to eradicate invasive lantana weeds in BRT ...
Our yaupon holly has been yellowing for the past year or more. Nearby ligustrums and Texas mountain laurels help make this a ...
Let's raise a toast to a revolutionary concert where India's most eco-friendly celebration, Echoes of Earth Music Festival ...
A conservation group is planting native species along the popular Ann and Roy Butler Hike-and-Bike Trail in downtown Austin.
If you didn’t take steps ahead of the cold weather, there are still things you can do to help revive your plants.
These invasive flowering plants may look gorgeous, but they're actually destructive for your lawn and garden. Remove them and ...
Monaco was riding his golf cart around the neighborhood, when he noticed a home was covered in smoke and flames ...
You must know when you choose your plant whether you are getting a male or female plant if berries are a goal.
Try planting lantana (Lantana camara) or Jolt Pink dianthus (Dianthus x 'Jolt Pink') to match begonia blooms. If you want something with showy leaves that can match rex begonias, try caladiums ...
PHOENIX (AZFamily) — The Valley has seen a stretch of cold First Alert Weather mornings due to Freeze Warnings, which can lead to trouble for your plants. Fortunately, if you didn’t take steps ...
Creating a biosecurity crisis is shockingly simple. In the 1850s, Jane Paterson, a settler near Albury planted seeds of a ...
Groups visiting the monarch butterfly population at Pismo Beach aren't getting the same experience as in years past. The butterfly ...