Vaccination rates are falling and measles cases are rising. Here are a few more 'bugs' we might be seeing come back from the ...
The measles outbreak is surging in West Texas, especially in under-vaccinated communities, but it’s not just coverage with ...
The COVID-19 vaccine has prompted more than 10 times as many reports of adverse symptoms than the measles vaccine.
Vaccination provides long-lasting 97% protection against measles infection. Most people who have been vaccinated do not need ...
Discover the history, effectiveness, and safety of the measles vaccine. Learn how it has dramatically reduced measles cases ...
But there is a blood test, called an antibody serology test, that can tell you if you have antibodies against certain ...
As disinformation about vaccines continues to spread, a virologist and a pediatrician share the importance of taking vaccines ...
Some health policy experts say Kennedy’s early moves as HHS Secretary are concerning and suggest that he could undermine ...
A dividend from immunisation is a future free from the diseases that rob communities of health and well-being, a future free ...
Trump’s decision to withdraw from the World Health Organization, coupled with his elevation of RFK Jr., has no doubt hurt the ...
"I support the measles vaccine," he said. "I support the polio vaccine. I will do nothing as HHS secretary that makes it difficult or discourages people from taking either of those vaccines." ...