The players formally opened a newly-branded department of maths. Each classroom now has a darts board and is named after a darts legend. Julie Kapsalis, principal and chief executive at Nescot, said: ...
The Electronic Bid Bulletin Board is the official listing of all active UAB solicitations for both the Hospital and University. Hospital solicitations begin with the letter “H” and University ...
German darts star Martin Schindler was the victim of a freak incident during the UK Open on Saturday when his own arrow rebounded off the board and landed in his foot. Schindler beat Dylan Slevin ...
DART President Nadine Lee the loss of funding would lead to significant changes. "There would be significant impacts across the board to our workforce as well as job access and the service levels ...
This story has been updated to reflect the filing of a twin bill in the Texas Senate. Twin bills bill filed with the Texas Legislature on Friday would reduce the amount of taxes regional transit ...
“We’re about to crank up a Silver Line that may run for a month and a half and then we’ll have to shut it down,” DART Board chair Gary Slagel told the committee. “It is unacceptable that ...