Dear Purdue Extension Master Gardener, Freckles Graphics, Inc. is offering the Purdue EMG Program a new website for ordering Purdue EMG branded, t-shirts, polo shirts, fleece pull-overs, and aprons.
Kiana Skobel’s retail management expertise grew when she spent her junior year studying at the Fashion Institute (FIT).
Purdue Video and Tweets Open the Youtube video Quotes of the Day More Headlines Links Celebrating the 50th anniversary of ...
Like a rolling stone, Bob Dylan will travel to Purdue University's campus this spring as a stop on his "Rough and Rowdy Ways" ...
The Purdue University Pharmacy is located in Room 118 of the Robert E. Heine Pharmacy Building — next to the Purdue University Student Health (PUSH) Center — so you don't ever need to leave campus.
The Purdue University Identification (PUID) is a 10-digit number unique to each individual. The number is printed on your Purdue photo identification card, your primary identification within Purdue.
Tweets/videos xx Open the Youtube video Open the Youtube video Open the Youtube video Open the Youtube video Quote of the day ...
Nudging with carbon footprint labeling and product categorization motivates online shoppers to select plant-based foods, according to new research published by agricultural economists at Purdue ...