I don’t believe in bad days. And no, I’m not an unshakable optimist. I've just developed a mindset that values purpose as a practice, not a circumstance. No bad day is bigger than the meaning ...
During a particular scene, Bachchan’s response to a minor background distraction proved ... When Amitabh Bachchan was in the frame, truly no one was going to look anywhere else.
Typically, background checks take less than two minutes to complete and pose virtually no burden on mentally fit, law-abiding citizens. Notably, however, federal background check requirements do ...
The completion of the new multi-purpose building aims to enhance public service and provide quality infrastructure to local communities aligned with President Ferdinand R. Marcos, Jr.’s commitment to ...
Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds was very recently released to the global gaming community, introducing new players and longtime fans to a fantastical world with vibrant characters and beautiful sights.