Bengaluru police have arrested three persons, including a 16-year-old, for allegedly robbing a goldsmith and his mother in their house at gunpoint, at Chickpet on January 24. The accused Ajay Rao, 24, ...
Maharashtra's Naimi Mehta (DUPR 4.42) and Mihika Yadav (5.54) won the women's doubles title after beating Rajasthan's Asmi ...
Rajasthan's Aditya Ruhela thrashed Maharashtra's Harsh Mehta 11-2, 11-2 to win the PRO Open Men's Singles title on Saturday, ...
After a shocking loss to open the new year, Churchill's form reset to the normal and the league toppers were hoping to extend ...
Rajasthan's Aditya Ruhela will face Maharashtra's Harsh Mehta in a classic encounter in the finals of the PRO Open Men's ...
Dr V K Jain from Rajasthan, sets two India Book of Records for the tallest college gate and longest boundary wall, reflecting scientific principles and concepts ...
In a highly anticipated final at the 4th IPA Pickleball Nationals, Rajasthan's Aditya Ruhela faces Maharashtra's Harsh Mehta.
Despite water scarcity, Rajasthan remains a significant contributor to the country's Rabi and Kharif crop production ...
A woman comedian from Rajasthan who was alleged abducted by masked men from Bikaner has purportedly emerged in a video which shows her marrying a man. Parents of Janvi Modi, the comedian, approached ...
The Jodhpur bench of the Rajasthan High Court has reiterated that an unsuccessful candidate cannot later challenge the ...