Shadowveil: Legend of the Five Rings is set in the feudal Japanese tabletop setting of L5R, a long-time L5R player, I wanted ...
Tattoos have long been a symbol of self-expression personal beliefs and artistic appreciation Over the years men have embraced tattoos as a way to showcase their identity culture or significant life e ...
Batman is DC’s most popular character, and one of the most well-known characters in pop culture, period. Since his debut in ...
Although the Dark Souls franchise is a common source of inspiration, Sekiro has inspired many Soulslikes as well.
Gamers who enjoy playing war games by themselves will find plenty to occupy their time with the following examples.
It might ordinarily sound like hyperbole to come right out and say that a movie is one of the very best of all time, but something as grand, timeless, and exciting as Seven Samurai deserves ...
A new book, Shattered, collects essays from his first year. In defining what’s new about the book’s “illness realism,” Kelly draws on Virginia Woolf, another writer who faced serious ...
In an era of Peak TV, with streaming options legion and viewing time more precious than ever, wouldn't it be amazing then to imagine a place where a carefully curated guide to the best shows on ...