The symbol for resistance is R, it is measured in ohms \((\Omega )\). The symbol for current is I, it is measured in amperes \((A)\).
current and resistance. (It’s called Ohm’s Law.) For example, if you know the voltage drop across a known value of resistance ...
Hence, for a metal, resistance increases with increasing temperature. Often the increase in temperature is caused by an increase in current. An example is a filament lamp. As current increases ...
If you want to measure resistance and you know Ohm’s law, it seems like you have an easy answer, right? Feed a known current through the thing you want to measure and read the voltage required.
Both have inherent resistance to the flow of electricity ... There are many laws in physics, science and nature, and Ohm’s Law is one of the most important in understanding basic electricity.
In the usual case, the meter applies a known voltage and measures the current which, by Ohm’s law, gives you the resistance. It is also possible to control the current and measure the voltage ...