IF YOU'RE IN need of some reliable outdoor gear to get you through the harshness of winter, let us sound the alarm that Patagonia has just refreshed its Web Specials section. The iconic brand ...
Leather and motorcycles go hand-in-hand. From the original leather jackets popularized in the 1950s to the high-tech suits worn in modern grand prix racing, there’s a reason that leather remains ...
"The blown tire imbalance produced a vibration that caused the left main landing gear stabilizer brace to become unlocked and allowed the left main landing gear to collapse," said the statement ...
1:53 Halifax airport back to normal after plane’s fiery landing A blown tire is to blame for the collapse of a passenger plane’s landing gear as it touched down in Halifax last month, causing ...
If Harris departs Pittsburgh in free agency, 12th Man Rising's Jonathan Eig believes the Seattle Seahawks are a potential landing spot for the former Pro Bowl running back. "Najee Harris is not ...
A private jet was forced to make a “precautionary landing” at the airport this afternoon after it encountered problems with landing gear shortly after take-off. Lester Nelson, the chief ...
The collision damaged the nose and landing gear, added local news outlet ABC 7, however, the incident was classified as minor damage according to a Federal Aviation Administration report into the ...
Boeing 757 operators are being strongly advised to ensure flexible hydraulic hoses in the landing-gear are maintained and regularly replaced, after instances of hydraulic failure. The US FAA ...
The plane's landing gear collapsed during takeoff, according to the FAA. Only the pilot was on board and no injuries were reported, officials said. The FAA is investigating the incident.
This rebelliousness helped popularize motorcycles around the world ... his wife Wendy donated his bike — along with some of his gear from the trip and a signed first edition of the book ...
A plane experiencing a landing gear malfunction made a successful emergency landing at Orange Airport on Sunday morning, officials said. Emergency dispatchers were notified at around 9:30 a.m ...