Rio de Janeiro really, really surprised me. I knew the city would be interesting, but I wasn’t expecting to be this blown ...
Volunteers pick up litter during a beach cleanup campaign at Flamengo Beach in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, March 22, 2025. On the ...
The presence of hydrocarbons was identified in exploratory well 1-BRSA-1394-RJS, 105km off Rio de Janeiro's coast.
Petrobras informs that it has identified the presence of hydrocarbons in the Campos Basin pre-salt, in an exploratory well of ...
SHEL hires MODEC to work on the hull design and all the associated topside facilities for the FPSO, specially designed for ...
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I joined the Reuters bureau in Bogotá as a correspondent in November 2019. The coronavirus pandemic soon put paid to ...
Two-time Olympian and former United States captain Cammile Adams swam against the best in the world when she was in her teens ...
So epic is this land mass, even seasoned travellers will find fresh wonders to discover in the countries of South America.
Shell Brasil Petróleo Ltda let contracts for the Gato do Mato greenfield development in Block S-M-518 of Santos basin presalt, offshore Brazil.
Products marketed as cheaper alternatives are sparking debates about food justice, consumer protection and misleading ...