Comedy duo Phil Ford and Mimi Hines will receive the 473rd star on the Palm Springs Walk of Stars this month, the Palm Springs Chamber of Commerce announced on Thursday.
There’s something so shiny and sparkly about a new year — and we’re not just talking sequins and disco balls. That fresh start feeling goes for the world of travel, too. The new year will bring a ...
So when picking a new paint swatch for the just-opened Palm House hotel, there was really no other choice but pink. The recently-opened Palm House is the first hotel to launch in Palm Beach in ...
Palm Springs Police Chief Andy Mills shared the latest on the devastating officer-involved motorcycle crash at the Festival of Lights Parade that left 12 people injured. Mills told News Channel 3 ...
Ten people were injured Saturday night when a motorcycle officer crashed a bike into a crowd of revelers gathered for an annual holiday parade in Palm Springs, according to the city. The crash ...