Through a naturalistic, almost documentarian recreation of the daily lives of Auschwitz commandant Rudolf Höss and his family ... thought was the perfect 1950s New York lifestyle: husband, kids, ...
Directed by Daniela Völker, ‘The Commandant’s Shadow’ is a captivating documentary that focuses on an interaction between Jurgen Höss, son of Auschwitz concentration camp director Rudolf Höss ... as ...
In a tweet that’s been “liked” more than 16,000 times on X, one fan pointed out: “Watching White Lotus and floored myself realizing the goofy manager is the actor that played Rudolf Höss ...
Denn Hans-Jürgen Höß ist nicht irgendwer. Er ist der Sohn von Rudolf Höß, des einstigen Kommandanten des KZ Auschwitz. Doch die 99-Jährige begegnet Höß nicht mit Hass. „Das war mutig von ...
he discovers that he might not be alone 10:30 a.m. "The Commandant’s Shadow": Hans Jürgen Höss, the 87-year-old son of Auschwitz Commandant Rudolf Höss, confronts his father’s horrific ...