SEGA filed a trademark for "Ecco the Dolphin," hinting at a franchise return. The original Ecco game was well-received for ...
In a move that could send waves across oceans, SEGA has trademarked Ecco the Dolphin, which reignites interest in the classic ...
33 years after it was first released on Sega Genesis, Ecco the Dolphin is now set to return, thanks to a new trademark submitted by SEGA last month which only became available to the public today, ...
Ecco the Dolphin is a sci-fi action series that first debuted in 1992 for the Sega Genesis, followed by four more games up until 2000, after which it went dormant for 25 years. The recent ...
With a new Crazy Taxi and Jet Set Radio on the way, it seems that Sega is eyeing up a full return to some of its retro classics. That could include Ecco the Dolphin, if recent trademark filings are ...
Ecco the Dolphin was released all the way back in 1992 for the Sega Mega Drive (or Genesis, for those over the pond). As I am sure you have no doubt figured, the game stars a dolphin by the name ...