Mengalami perut sebelah kanan sakit saat hamil? Jangan langsung panik, Bun, bisa jadi kondisi ini menjadi penyebabnya!
Dr Lawrence Cunningham, a retired GP explains that the exact location of your stomach pain may 'give us clues' to what's ...
We've all had to deal with stomach pain at some point—whether it's sharp cramps or a dull, persistent ache. While it's often ...
When discussing discomfort in the upper abdomen, Dr Cunningham pointed out that such pain is commonly caused by indigestion ...
Causes of period pain and 7 effective treatments, from heat therapy to medical interventions, that can help manage both ...
Endometriosis impacts physical, mental, and sexual health. This Endometriosis Awareness Month, let's bring to light what is ...
The inflammation irritates the abdominal wall and causes severe pain. Appendicitis pain becomes sharper and more severe over a short time. It moves from your belly button to the lower right side ...
Discover the chronic health complications of uterine fibroids beyond heavy periods, from anemia to fertility concerns, and ...
When a 60-year-old woman with severe abdominal pain shows positive Carnett’s and pinch signs, physicians suspect ACNES — but ...
They can cause lower abdomen pain and other symptoms ... Some health experts may also refer to prostatitis as chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS). There are a few types of prostatitis: This ...