NTU Singapore's solar-powered process converts sewage sludge into clean energy and animal feed, reducing waste and carbon ...
Researchers set up camera traps in local stormwater sewer systems and were shocked by what they found. Researchers baffled ...
Bexley is home to a stunning monument that was nicknamed a cathedral – but was used for something entirely different.
Almost all of the upgrades needed on the Johnstown Redevelopment Authority’s and City of Johnstown’s public sewer lines are ...
MMSD said contractors dumped sanitary sewage from a vacuum truck into a storm sewer, mistaking it for a sanitary sewer.
Researchers have exploited bacteria they found in sewage plants to detoxify tetrachloroethene, a common chemical used to ...
Scientists have developed an innovative solar-powered method to transform sewage sludge -- a by-product of wastewater treatment -- into green hydrogen for clean energy and single-cell protein for ...
Those tasked with solving the Tijuana River Valley sewage crisis have a message for those who have been living and dealing with it for decades.
Scientists at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore), have developed an innovative solar-powered method ...