Set in Syracuse, New York, in the mid ‘90s, Carmen Emmi’s debut feature revolves around a young cop assigned to a sting operation that forces him to confront his sexuality.
The film revolves around a couple who reach an unexpected turning point in their relationship during a romantic weekend getaway.
The marketing for Companion has been more candid about what’s going on with Iris, the head-over-heels lovebird played by ...
Could you imagine seeing Anna Farris play a clumsy character afflicted by the Smile Entity? Or Shawn and Marlan Wayans having ...
When the trailers for Twisters dropped, the sequel to the 1996 blockbuster Twister, they promised a rollicking weather ...
But again, there's a good chance that you haven't seen this movie. So let's dive into the plot of "Small Engine Repair" and ...
A good twist villain can enhance an already great movie to a new level, from shocking horror slashers to hilariously ...
Martin Scorsese’s Shutter Island is a mind-bending psychological thriller with a massive plot twist, leaving fans searching ...