Patients with non-small cell lung cancer undergoing lobectomy or pneumonectomy whose treatment facility was in a U.S.
Clinicians need to provide timely care to help patients quit smoking, especially those undergoing cancer surgery since they have greater complication risks.
For cancers of organs like the liver, the long-term impact of our diet has been well studied—so much so that we have guidance ...
Shaun Webb had four packs of cigarettes per week at the height of the habit at the cost of his health and of thousands of pounds per year.
Paul Kirtley, 73, started smoking at 11 and only quit after his father - a lifelong smoker - was diagnosed with lung cancer ...
A former athlete diagnosed with lung cancer has praised hospital staff for helping him beat a 50-year smoking addiction.
A grandfather who smoked for more than 50 years has hailed the "incredible" hospital staff who helped him quit following his ...
A DAD-of-five and pub DJ has finally kicked his 20-a-day cigarette habit after 45 years thanks to a pill dubbed â€˜Ozempic for ...
A woman has revealed her shock at being diagnosed with cancer and cured of it within the same day. April Boudreau, from Texas ...
Cigarettes almost cost Tony Jackson, 63, his life as his vital kidney cancer op was almost abandoned midway though ... due to ...
Post-COVID pulmonary fibrosis, which involves scarring of the lungs that can worsen over time and may require a lung ...