Justiss Elementary School’s Science Fair winners for the 3rd and 4th grades were announced recently. “It’s always great to ...
Iowa’s current draft of its K-12 science standards, which include changing the word “evolution” to “biological change over ...
The Public School STEM Innovation Fair featured more than 100 projects from students between kindergarten and 8th grade.
Lynchburg City Public Schools received a $70,000 grant that will allow sixth grade students to experience hands-on STEM learning on the James River, the division announced in a press release Wednesday ...
Over 2,300 8th grade students gathered for the annual SPARK career fair, and got to try over 100 different hands-on ...
STem Academic Research and Training (START) projects include of range of content areas, such as 3-D printing, engineering, biology, geology, math and physics. Some projects are in person at RTP, Scott ...
We ignite the future STEM leaders of Israel. We do so by providing teens across the country with STEM training, and by organizing the CodeGuru and CodeGuru Xtreme annual math, STEM and cyber ...
Stockton University Tween Tech is an effort to introduce middle-school girls to careers in science and technology. “At the tween years, between 11 and 14, is when preteens tune away from math and ...
Work on a new police substation at Eighth Street near the Ocean City Boardwalk is set to begin in 2025, part of a project that will include the renovation of the current public safety building on ...