Together with storytelling structure, you’ll have guidelines to get you through. However, there are instances when Freytag’s Pyramid (or any specific method) might not be right. For example ...
In essence, the SCQA structure will get people to ‘tune in’ rather than ‘tune out’ and create a great opportunity to get your point across. It’s worth noting that storytelling is not abo ...
Like triathletes mastering swimming, cycling and running, data storytellers need proficiency in data, narrative and visuals. Learn the parallels and how to win at both.
Traditional and narrative reporting have a different structure than data stories. Data stories offer ... [+] complete stories rather than just story fragments. If the goal of data storytelling ...
In this specialization, you will: Create a proposal for a video project that includes specific elements of production Understand visual storytelling structure Shoot video that meets standards of ...