The ICCPR restricts in article 2 (3) the right to an effective remedy at law to a redress only of the rights and freedoms recognised by the Covenant ... religion, political or other opinion ...
The principal international human rights documents clearly protect the human rights of prisoners. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the Convention Against ...
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR): Adopted in 1948, this foundational document outlines basic human rights such as equality, freedom, and dignity. Though not legally binding, it has ...
Reports from States parties have often failed to take into account that each State party must ensure the rights in the Covenant to "all individuals within its territory and subject to its ...
HARARE, March 10, (NewsDay Live) - Zimbabwe says it has made significant progress in strengthening civil and political rights ...
Our constitution recognises rights largely ignored in the country—particularly those in Article 43. These are usually called economic and social rights. They include rights to health, housing, ...
Freedom of thought is known as one of the foundations of a democratic society. Article 39(1) of our Constitution guarantees ...
The opinion concludes that many provisions of Georgia’s new laws fail to meet the strict tests of legality, necessity, and ...
The United Nations Human Rights Committee has decided that native title law had run roughshod over First Nations rights in deciding against the Wunna Nyiyaparli people. Paul Gregoire reports.