In nearly every major American city and in many small towns, Christian Science reading rooms are found mixed in with ...
Isaac Villegas' new book, 'Migrant God,' offers a theological vision for the ways Christian faith transcends national borders ...
Xian Gaza has recently took to Facebook to share his thoughts on the difference between living a “simple life” and ...
As Israeli and American administrations enforce the one-state solution, Palestinians' hope to have a free Palestine is tested ...
With the high school basketball season now complete in Cleveland, Gaston and Lincoln counties, here are a few reasons why it was one for the history books.
In Judaism, Shabbat is a foretaste of eternity on Earth; it is supposed to be a moment of rest and peace and a glimpse into ...
Bestselling young adult author John Green's newest book is a nonfiction thesis on the deadliest infectious disease, which ...
Churches, ministries, seminaries, and universities around the world struggle to access Christian material. BiblioTech wants ...
In a new book, the novelist Julian Barnes doubts that we can ever really overcome our fixed beliefs. He should keep an open ...
Tim Busch, the California lawyer and businessman who champions conservative Catholic causes, has written an essay proclaiming ...
Part three of the perfectionism in perspective series examines three doctrinal principles that can promote healing from ...