Your upper and middle back area runs from the base of your neck to the bottom of your rib cage. Many issues can cause pain in this area, such as overuse, poor posture, or a pinched nerve.
Along with neck pain, it can also cause discomfort or inflammation in the upper back, and the shoulders. Dr. Phil Grattan, a physical therapist and board-certified orthopedic specialist ...
Madness approaches, athletes experiencing neck or shoulder pain are being urged to consider the possibility of thoracic outlet syndrome.
This is Yoga for Neck and Shoulders. If you find yourself hunched over a screen for several hours a day, these postures can help prevent pain and ... the upper back, and the neck.
Hold for 10 seconds, and then bring your arms back down. Do this two or three times. A variation on this stretch can help you to release the tension in your upper ... and neck pain is very common ...
This article explains how tight neck, shoulder and upper back muscles cause tension headaches to become a chronic condition. It's an excerpt from the author's "How to Get Permanent Relief From ...