It’s the new Tiguan Allspace. Except, it isn’t. To keep a long boardroom story mercifully short, the bigwigs at VW decided the seven-seat version of the latest Tiguan needed a place of its own ...
In come 19s, an overhead view camera, the park assistance, heated front seats with massage function, that electric tailgate, keyless entry, 30 ambient lighting colours and an illuminated VW logo o ...
The recall impacts Audi Q4 e-tron and Volkswagen ID.4 — both fully electric models. STAY UP TO DATE WITH THE LATEST NEWS BY SUBSCRIBING TO MORNING REPORT NEWSLETTER The problem with the gear ...
This is a car that’ll get pricey quickly. VW expects the bulk of buyers to go for a plug-in hybrid, which is little surprise when a lot of business car schemes insist on a decent slug of ...
2.0 TSI 265 4Motion Black Edition 5dr DSG 5.9s 261.5 £47,865 2.0 TSI 204 4Motion Black Edition 5dr DSG 7.1s 201.2 £45,455 2.0 TSI 204 4Motion R-Line 5dr DSG 7.1s 201.2 £44,455 2.0 TSI 265 ...