CHARLESTON — An agency that awarded a $5 million grant to an out-of-state Catholic vocational school for expansion efforts in ...
As cold weather has arrived, the Clemson Extension Service said you have probably been dripping your faucets wrong, your ...
“Menstrual cups are a really clear winner,” said Pippa Notten, a sustainability consultant who analyzed the environmental ...
The best advice and cleaning tips for when you should clean your coffee maker, and what the cleaning processes should entail.
PASCO, Wash. - While wastewater infrastructure in Pasco is being expanded in Pasco, officials from the Department of Ecology and Department of Fish and Wildlife are finding ways to prevent ...
Gallego will serve on several committees, including banking, energy and natural resources, homeland security and governmental affairs, and veterans' affairs.
When the temperatures get back above 32 degrees Fahrenheit, Homes and Gardens says you can ...
Some communities are investing in new infrastructure and designs not only to protect residents but improve quality of life.
1. Choose the right propagation method. Propagating plants via stem cuttings is less invasive than root division propagation and is the recommended method for winter propagation. Stem cuttings can be ...
Even if you don't live near a polar vortex region, you could still end up with burst pipes and water damage. Follow these ...
Hand sanitizer isn't as effective as handwashing at preventing the spread of norovirus, doctors and the CDC warn.
With several inches of snow forecasted in the region starting Monday, the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG) has tips to ensure you salt the ...