Expressing concerns over the ongoing situation in Bangladesh, Nobel laureate Amartya Sen said his friend Muhammad Yunus, chief adviser of the interim government, is taking significant steps but has a ...
Since assuming leadership, Prof Muhammad Yunus has given countless interviews, both at home and abroad. Domestically, his responses have grown predictable, his tone occasionally weary. But to ...
Bangladesh situation affects me very much, Yunus has long way to go to resolve impasse: Amartya Sen Sen said the situation in Bangladesh had deeply affected him and he was concerned about how the ...
L'Opéra de Paris fait salle comble avec Onéguine, le ballet de John Cranko d'après le roman en vers de Pouchkine, sur une mosaïque de morceaux signés Tchaïkovski. Les étoiles (Hugo Marchand ...
Vous vous immergez au sein d’une Å“uvre d’un genre unique : ce n’est ni du théâtre, ni de l’opéra, c’est Pelléas… La musique vous glisse entre les doigts, on y nage comme dans un ...
Donnée en première à l’Opéra de Nantes, en janvier, la voici pour cinq représentations jusqu’au mardi 4 mars à l’Opéra de Rennes, avant Angers (du 16 au 18 mars), puis Tours (du 11 ...
This raises new questions about the regulation and mechanisms of these transporters. Here we show that the C-terminal tail of EmrE acts as a secondary gate, preventing proton leak in the absence of ...
l'essentiel Un collectif de jeunes artistes implantés sur le territoire albigeois, revisite « Lakmé’, un opéra de Léo Delibes. Venez découvrir leur projet de réécriture sur lequel ...
Chief adviser Muhammad Yunus has extended an invitation to Elon Musk, urging him to visit Bangladesh and launch the Starlink satellite internet service in the country. "Integrating Starlink's ...
You have met our External Affairs Minister twice now, but Prime Minister Modi and Chief Adviser Professor Yunus have not yet met. Do you expect a meeting between them at the BIMSTEC Summit in ...
"Morgiane" is believed to be the oldest existing opera written by a Black American — but despite its historic significance, the show was only performed for audiences for the first time in 2025.
Sheikh Hasina Vows To Return To Bangladesh, Muhammad Yunus Responds In a teary address, Sheikh Hasina noted that nearly 450 police stations were also set on fire and said the killings were part of ...