Enigma is a three-part documentary on Netflix that follows the titular football quarterback, who tries to make a comeback in ...
In "Enigma," Aaron Rodgers said he and his family differ on religion and had choice words about brother Jordan Rodgers' time ...
Netflix’s three-part docuseries about quarterback Aaron Rodgers had no shortage of drama, from his strained relationship with ...
Enigma, a new three-part documentary miniseries on Netflix, takes a look at Rodgers’ complicated life through his own words.
Aaron Rodgers has always been more than just a player. He’s an enigma. Netflix’s new docu-series, Aaron Rodgers: Enigma, ...
Netflix just released a three-part documentary chronicling Jets quarterback Aaron Rodgers. From Covid to RFK Jr. to ayahuasca ...
NFL fans are eager to find out if the release date and time for Aaron Rodgers: Enigma on Netflix has been revealed.