Darker mornings and more evening light together knock your body clock out of whack — which means daylight saving time can ...
The Vanderburgh Humane Society (VHS) says its Davidson Rausch Low-Cost Spay/Neuter and Vaccine Clinic is now offering three ...
Adopting this approach, CMS could make achieving a certain threshold of successful treatment of hypertension the dominant ...
The vegan diet, over the past 20 years, has received plenty of flack about its extreme and at-times in-your-face style, made ...
The question that could be deleted from the next US census survey - The Census Bureau has asked for permission to delete ...
Nurses and health care staff work with people during incredibly stressful moments in their lives. Sometimes patients are experiencing medical conditions that may cause them to act out or be confused, ...
The Medicaid insurance program, called Medi-Cal in California, is jointly funded by states and the federal government.
Physician assistants can help solve the health care crisis, but the Kentucky Medical Association is opposed to SB 88 and ...
Sen. Saud Anwar proposes AI regulation in health care, focusing on ethics and transparency, after investigations found ...
The U.S. Census Bureau under the Trump administration has sought permission to delete questions about gender identity from a ...