Readers are reminded that not only are all individuals listed below presumed innocent unless proven guilty, there may also be ...
A major crisis facing Cape May County is the lack of decent housing that young working families can afford. Many who work hard to support this county and its businesses cannot afford the goal of home ...
On March 9, 2020, Gov. Phil Murphy declared a state of emergency, and on March 16, strict limits shut down gyms, movie ...
After years of painful budget cuts during the implementation of a new school funding plan, Gov. Phil Murphy promised schools ...
Now, the big question for the MAAC and Atlantic City is, can the tournament build on this promising men's final last weekend?
The spat is over a shore protection effort, known as the “Five Mile Island” project.
Kiley Armstrong, 21, and Evan Fiore, 23, a couple and both lifelong Toms River residents, were killed together in a crash in ...
What ever happened about the issue of mold in CM 's new Firehouse? Has it been remediated and the cause corrected and who ended up footing the bill?
Rumor has it the independent candidate who ran for mayor is now going to run for council as a republican. What’s the deal with that?
Critics of Chatham Municipal Airport have once again filed a town meeting petition to restrict use of the George Ryder ...
Bluffton becomes first local government in South Carolina to pass wetlands protection ordinance after a US Supreme Court ...
Under the new agreement, Filtronic will increase its supply of advanced E-band SSPA modules used in the deployment of ...