Most kids celebrate their birthday with cake and candles. Tucker Mullinax, however, celebrated his 12th birthday with the ...
Love or hate the 2 Johnnies, the entire country -- and beyond -- were gripped earlier this year when the infamous 'GAA ...
The story South of Midnight revolves around helping several unusual creatures from American Deep South folklore ...
A podcast released by the 2 Johnnies claimed a number of GAA players had been tricked into relationships with a woman with a ...
Niamh Farrell, from Co Armagh, has claimed in the High Court she was wrongly identified online as the person responsible for ...
TikTok user M&M (@njgolden) was recently at the restaurant for their happy hour. While she was there she got her usual: an ...
Lanier explains that Compulsion "thought it was good to not have a Chosen One" because the studio preferred the idea that ...
A secondary school teacher who claims she was wrongly identified online as the GAA catfish has been granted an injunction by ...
A secondary school teacher who says she has been falsely identified as the so-called "GAA catfish" in a number of podcasts by ...
Some local youths were fishing in the Aruna River when five unusual-looking fish were caught in their net. Upon closer ...
One south Dublin secondary school has been plunged into acrimony, threats of protests from parents, secret filming and a ...
Channel catfish are prone to feed heavily during early spring, cleaning up small fish that died over the winter.