In January, sisters Eliza and Henrietta Huszti went missing in Scotland and were found dead weeks later. Although their cause ...
The cause of death of the 32-year-old sisters, Henrietta and Eliza Huszti, has been ruled as drowning, according to the ...
Henrietta and Eliza Huszti, both 32, were found in the River Dee in Aberdeen over three weeks after they went missing - the ...
Nem hagyja nyugodni a Skóciában élÅ‘ magyarokat a tragédia: hiába a rendÅ‘rség hivatalos álláspontja, miszerint a Huszti ikrek ...
Now, their cause of death has been revealed. Henrietta and Eliza Huszti, both 32 — who are part of a set of triplets, including surviving sister Edit Huszti — died from drowning, per BBC Scotland News ...
Eliza and Henrietta Huszti, part of a set of triplets, disappeared after leaving their rented flat on 7 January. They were last seen on CCTV on Market Street at Victoria Bridge over the River Dee in ...
Hungarian sisters Henrietta and Eliza Huszti tragically disappeared in Aberdeen, Scotland, last month and their bodies were devastatingly found in a river weeks later ...
The bodies of two women found in the River Dee in Aberdeen have been confirmed as missing sisters Eliza and Henrietta Huszti, who went missing in Aberdeen nearly a month ago. Supt David Howieson, of ...
Eliza and Henrietta Huszti were found dead in the city's River Dee at the end of January in a case that grabbed national ...
Friss hírek Magyarországról és a nagyvilágból, sport, technika, szórakozás, tudomány, kultúra. Az ORIGO a legfrissebb hazai ...
Friss hírek Magyarországról és a nagyvilágból, sport, technika, szórakozás, tudomány, kultúra. Az ORIGO a legfrissebb hazai ...
A tornyospálcai ikerpár, Huszti Henrietta és Eliza tragikus halála után apjuk teljesen összetört. Az eset mélyen megrázta a ...