Many people, particularly women, are probably aware that the vaccine is recommended for women and girls under the age of 26.
But despite its cancer-preventing potential, uptake is “nowhere near the 90 per cent it should be” across Canada, says the ...
Data shows it can prevent six types of cancer. But anti-vaccine activists, including U.S. Health Secretary Robert F. Kennedy ...
New trends data show significant reduction in the incidence of precancerous lesions in young women since advent of vaccine.
This commentary is a repost from "Sex on Wednesdays" by Martha Kempner on Substack. Find her other articles on The Queen...
The HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccine helps prevent cervical cancer by protecting against high-risk strains of the virus ...
As new research shows the number of teenagers having the HPV vaccine has dropped, a charity warns of a 'worrying lack of ...
This survey investigates the knowledge, attitudes, and intentions of US Hispanic parents surrounding the HPV vaccine.
James Spack says he can’t understand why the uptake of the HPV vaccine — one he wished his daughter had received— was just 55 ...
These vaccines are nearly 100% effective if they're given prior to exposure to the HPV types they cover. And this is why the ...