Rhoden was officially sworn in back in January, he became the first South Dakota Governor to have a public event while ...
SDPB officials estimate that the combined effect of the lost state, federal and privately raised money would shrink the ...
Legislation requiring all classrooms display ‘Under God, the People Rule’ also heading to the House floor for a vote.
SB 51 will be heard in the House next week, and if it passes there, it will head to Gov. Larry Rhoden’s desk for final ...
Republican Gov. Larry Rhoden said Friday he was considering a possible run for Governor. “I would say this, in just the last ...
The South Dakota Industrial Hemp Association hosted a group of farmers from Ukraine the week of Jan. 27 - 31 to give them an ...
The governor’s bill was rejected in a 9-6 vote. It proposed a $4 million allocation for education savings accounts. The more ...
Jack Kolbeck, a former state senator from Sioux Falls, will serve in Tony Venhuizen's open House seat vacated when he became ...
New Gov. Larry Rhoden said the state’s “back is against the wall” and a new men’s prison needs to be built. Rhoden responded ...
A bill that would close a campaign finance loophole allowing unlimited funds into a campaign is headed to the governor’s desk ...
Governor Larry Rhoden plans to sign SB7, a bill banning sanctuary cities in South Dakota, on Friday, February 7. It will be ...