Louvre, Macron and Mona Lisa

In an interview with Le Monde, Laurence des Cars explains how the Paris museum is embarking on renovation and redevelopment ...
Art critics hailed news of the move, saying that the precious painting has stolen the spotlight for long enough.
Emmanuel Macron has thrown his weight behind a grandiose €800m renovation plan, including building a subterranean complex ...
The Mona Lisa painting would be given its own "special space" within the Louvre which will be accessible with a separate ...
France will launch a six-year renovation of the Louvre in Paris, enlarging the world's most-visited museum to make room for ...
French President Emmanuel Macron is expected to announce possibly hundreds of millions of euros in renovation work for the ...
The Leonardo da Vinci masterpiece that visitors crowd in to see will get a dedicated room as the Paris museum is renovated ...