Ruderman's book arrives at a crucial moment when many Americans feel simultaneously motivated to address societal challenges ...
A Teddy's Bear Dream aims to emphasize the importance of a safe and happy childhood, free from the terror of gun violence.
If Dylan Hockley and Daniel Barden were alive today, they’d be nineteen. It’s not hard to imagine them as young college students on spring break, maybe among the crowds of partygoers visiting Austin, ...
To combat school shootings, Sandy Hook Promise released a new PSA centered around a teddy bear. A member of the group tells Her Campus about its message.
A gun violence organization that recently played an important role in central Indiana released a new PSA this week. Sandy Hook Promise is an organization dedicated to ...
Gun violence has a devastating impact on children, leading to psychological and mental health issues and more.
Stories like Nicole Hockley’s should never have to be told ... instead falling victim to the unimaginable tragedy of the Sandy Hook school shooting. “As a parent, you never think it could ...
“We want to take back the teddy bear as a symbol of innocence for children rather than something that’s used at a school shooting shrine,” said Nicole Hockley, co-founder of Sandy Hook Promise and ...
After she lost her youngest son, Dylan, at the Sandy Hook Elementary school shooting, Nicole Hockley received a teddy bear as a gift. On its belly in blue were embroidered the words ...
Teddy bears are often used at memorials for school shootings, Sandy Hook Promise reminds viewers - Sandy Hook Promise, BBDO NY ...
The girl’s story is set to the tune, “Best of Friends,” as sung by Pearl Bailey in the classic Disney film “The Fox & The ...