DTE also operates a 14 MW lithium ion battery system in Trenton. In 2024, it began construction of its 220 MW Trenton Channel ...
Visakhapatnam: Considering the increasing needs of Vizag city, particularly the rapidly growing Madhurawada area, the ...
Initial call-out to developers to submit their ideas for a convention center/hotel complex could happen in late April.
Iceberg Development and Salida Partners combine efforts for 21 S. Linn St. property. It’s one of two proposals going before ...
Four proposals reviewed by a group of citizens and city leaders Tuesday evening were all to build neighborhoods with market-rate and near-market-rate housing — mostly rentals — on ...
Covington is looking for high-capacity social service providers to spend almost $700,000 to help vulnerable populations. As ...
Louisville leaders want to spend $700k on a court diversion program for people charged with unlawful camping. Why advocates ...
The government is calling for proposals for the proposed evelated autonomous rapid transit system (E-ART) in Iskandar ...
Plaintiffs in a lawsuit over state Superintendent Ryan Walters' attempt to buy Bibles are challenging his Bible-donation plan ...
The Dane County of Human Services launched its requests for select partners to provide client services in various fields throughout Dane County on Monday.
The Oklahoma Supreme Court stayed State Superintendent Ryan Walters’ request for proposals for Bibles and Biblical ...
The City of Marshfield has a Request for Proposals for a new state-of-the-art training facility. The project would likely replace the current facilities used by the Marshfield Fire and Rescue ...