13 марта 2025 года компания "Связь и Радионавигация" провела шестую профильную конференцию, собравшую судовладельцев и ...
The CPT-165 Magnetic Compass is a high-quality and reliable navigation device that belongs to a variety of liquid magnetic compasses. The compass is developed on the basis of a Class A magnetic ...
The DS-90R log is a modern device designed to measure and monitor the speed of a vessel relative to water or the seabed. This instrument is based on the principles of the Doppler effect and rotating ...
**Пассажирские суда, совершающие международные рейсы, должны быть оборудованы регистратором данных рейса независимо от размера. **В РДР/У ...
Antenna SEAS 6000 accepts digital / analog TV-AM-FM signals around the world. The device maintains automatic ALC level control on 3 bands. In order to avoid interference during operation, the antenna ...
Terminal VSAT KU-band KNS Z12 MK4 with an antenna diameter of 120 cm for broadband satellite communications on sea and river vessels. The entire design of the Z Mk4 antenna system has been updated, ...
The Sperry Marine 4881 gyrocompass repeater is an analog remote indicator that displays the true heading of the vessel. Information is received in NMEA 0183 / IEC 61162 format via RS-422 communication ...
The Jotron SR8201 microphone is one of the main parts of the Jotron 8200 external audio pickup system. The SR8200 system is an acoustic electronic navigation device that allows watchmen to hear ...
VPA-240 - is a power amplifier in a 19 inch cabinet for up to 240 watts. Rack-mountable. It has outputs at 100 V and 8 ohm, and two switch inputs with priority. The amplifier is protected against ...
Radar transponder JRC SART JQX-30 A is necessary for the conduct of search and rescue at sea. The device is a necessary equipment GMDSS on board and approved by the Russian Maritime Register as an ...
Magnetic compass Saura B-130S is specifically designed for use on small marine and river vessels as navigational equipment. Although the included wooden case, the compass has a fairly compact ...
Salwico NS-TIMAC1 is an analog timer for the fire alarm system Salwico NSAC-1. Detector circuit connected to anywhere in the system, it may disable the function blocks or at any time. When the timer ...