Anna Gréki, who joined the Algerian Communist Party as a teenager and became a combatant in the War of Independence, wrote ...
The world of South and Southeast Asia has always featured prominently in theoretical discussions seeking to open European ideas up to the world, from the importance of India for postcolonial theory to ...
Daniele Archibugi opens his eloquent case for a ‘ cosmopolitical democracy ’ with an important concession. The world’s major depositories of power, he observes, remain national states that have ‘only ...
Socialists have traditionally criticized capitalism for the ways in which it violates four central values: 1) Equality: Capitalism generates morally intolerable levels of inequality of material ...
Once again, and led by the United States as usual, a war is being conducted—this time in Europe—against an unprincipled and racist dictator who will almost certainly survive the onslaught, even though ...
The real merit of the critique made by Margaret Coulson, Branka Magaš and Hilary Wainwright of my analysis of domestic labourfootnote 1 is that it focusses discussion about the strategic relation of ...
At independence, the Congo had only two graduates, and such fabulous riches that the country inevitably became a magnet for rapacious foreign companies and for the Western intelligence services.
Given the permanent social weight of population questions, it is remarkable that their hold on mainstream social and political discourse has been so intermittent and precarious. Within the academy, ...
There is much discussion today of the nature and causes of the crisis racking the advanced capitalist countries. How should we define its structural characteristics and draw up an initial balance ...
About a year ago, the New York Review of Books devoted its pages to an interesting exchange on the question of who was to blame for the collapse of the Camp David peace talks between Barak and Arafat, ...
Iundertook to write this obituary of Louis Althusser for the alumni of the École Normale Supérieure in 1993, nearly three years after the thinker’s death; and not without hesitations and ...
The title Traces footnote 1 mobilizes for the purposes of philosophical theory the primary experiences derived from reading Red Indian stories. A broken twig, a footprint on the ground, speak volumes ...