The HSK (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi) Chinese proficiency test, administered by Hanban, is China’s only standardised test of standard Chinese language proficiency or Mandarin language proficiency for ...
We reflect on the achievements and milestones of our students, staff and graduates over the last 12 months. Once again, the outputs and impact of our staff have been recognised. Rose Sinclair received ...
The prospect of student exchanges and academic collaboration between Goldsmiths and Hong Kong grew closer with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Hong ...
A secret team of animators are taking to social media to address violence against women and girls in Iran, as part of a project lead by a Goldsmiths academic. Dr Atlas Torbati is part of a team ...
This programme will provide you with an opportunity for your own work to engage with the widening horizons of new practices. It will also enable you to invent methodologies, reframe … ...
If you have been out of education or do not have the required A-level qualifications for degree-level study, this four-year course can help you realise your academic potential.
Our PGCE with Maths programme will support you to become a reflective, inclusive and creative primary school teacher. In addition, as a maths specialist, it will provide you with an … ...
This programme will equip you for working in the arts and cultural industries, with a specific focus on management in the arts.
Stimulate your independent thinking and curiosity in a wide range of areas in anthropology and sociology. A multidisciplinary degree where you are taught counselling and psychotherapy practices but ...
This degree offers you rigorous training in economic theory with real-world applications. It will help you develop your own perspective to stand out from the crowd. This degree combines training in ...
Learn how to design, develop, and deploy software systems for business, while also honing skills in enterprise computing, business modelling and digital entrepreneurship.
This is a qualifying law degree – your first step towards becoming a solicitor or barrister in England and Wales. You’ll gain all the skills you need to progress to the next stages. This law degree ...