Vad arbetar du med idag? Jag arbetar som utvecklingsledare inom den offentliga måltidsorganisationen i Vänersborgs kommun. Där jag i stora drag sitter med menyplanering och dess delar för hela ...
Design can contribute to change. These master’s students are sure of that – Jakob Tangen, Xin Ai and Gabriella Di Feola. They talked to us about the programme, what they’ve learned, and how they’ve ...
During off-hours (between 19:00 and 8:00) the prices are reduced by 50 %. Long time-lapse imaging should always be scheduled during these hours. 24 hours cancellation notice is required to avoid ...
Full thesis title Drug interactions in healthcare - Knowledge resources and clinical management Opponent and examining committee Opponent: Associate Professor Staffan Rosenborg, Department of ...
Se här vilka utbildningar som är öppna för sen anmälan. Tänk på att sena anmälningar hanteras i mån av tid och i den ordning de kommer in. Du som gör en sen anmälan rangordnas efter dem som sökt i tid ...
Genom engagemang från alumnnätverket och stöd från föreningen Handels Vänner har Handelshögskolan möjlighet att erbjuda alumner ett exklusivt mentorprogram för personlig och professionell utveckling.
Fiona McConnell, University of Oxford, presents "Training Diplomats". This is a research seminar in political science that is open to the public. If you are interested in participating, please contact ...
Offered by the Department of Languages and Literatures at Faculty of Humanities ...
Offered by the Department of Languages and Literatures at Faculty of Humanities ...
Sociolinguistics ultimately aims to describe and explain sociolinguistic changes, that is, how language and society influence each other and contribute to maintaining and changing linguistic and ...
In this project, we have placed the assessments in mathematics and science administered before 1995 on the TIMSS reporting scale. We use student achievement data for the populations representing ...