Whether you are a supervisor or individual contributor, in “Supervisor Fundamentals” you will learn strategies to establish clear communication, shared goals and support for ongoing development.
The Rohatyn Center’s internship program offers Middlebury undergraduates the opportunity to collaborate closely with RCGA staff and faculty members on international and global topics. Focuses include ...
Game theory is general in scope and has been used to provide theoretical foundations for phenomena in most of the social and behavioral sciences. Economic examples include market organization, ...
Mark Bishop has been a chemistry instructor at Monterey Peninsula College since 1975 and has taught at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey since 2011. He has taught three ...
Oliver Carling is assistant director of the Kathryn W. Davis School of Russian at Middlebury Language Schools. He has also served as coordinator of Middlebury’s Arabic School and Doctor of Modern ...
Alessandra earned her B.A. in International Development and Hispanic Studies from McGill University (2007) in Montreal, Canada. During her undergraduate years, she participated in two short-term study ...
Sylvia Murninkas studied Communications at the Labor University of Uruguay and Performance Theater at Montevideo’s City School for Dramatic Arts and has production experience in both journalism and ...
Environmental solutions cannot come from one type of knowledge or way of thinking, not just from politics or chemistry or economics or history. They come instead from leaders, thinkers, and innovators ...
Sheila was born and grew up in Montreal, still the city of her heart. After living a few years in California, she found her way to Vermont, initially for a summer job. Thirty-plus years later, this ...
Dr. Robert Rogowsky is a professor in the International Trade program at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey. He also teaches as an adjunct or affiliate professor at ...
Career Advisor: Environmental Policy and Management, International Policy and Development, International Trade, MPA (including Joint Degrees), Online MPA in Sustainability Scott is a MIIS alum (MPA, ...
Dr. Baimyrzaeva’s focus areas include organizational learning, capacity building, change, and strategic planning using socially innovative and design thinking approaches. In her work Dr. Baimyrzaeva ...