The office of the municipal board of the Serb List was officially opened in Zvecan today. The president of the Serb List, ...
She assessed that in the history of world politics, the hatred towards one man like that shown towards Vucic is unprecedented ...
Just how horrific the traffic accident in Rakovica was this morning can be seen in a video that has been released to the ...
Minister of Defense in the Government of the Republic of Serbia, had a traffic accident this morning on the Ibar highway.
In connection to an Amnesty International report related to the use of forensic tools, the Ministry of Internal Affairs informs the public that within the.
The Serb List has submitted a list of its candidates to the Central Election Commission in Pristina, who will run in the upcoming parliamentary elections in so-called Kosovo, which should be held on ...
Košarkaši Partizana dočekaće ekipu Fenerbahčea u jednom od najzanimljivijih mečeva 18. kola Evrolige, a jedno od pitanja, i ...
Pripadnici Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova u Nišu, po nalogu Osnovnog javnog tužilaštva u Aleksincu, uhapsili su N. M.
Rusija ne vidi svrhu labavog primirja koje bi zamrzlo rat u Ukrajini. Umesto toga, Moskva želi pravno obavezujući sporazum za ...
U požaru koji je jutros oko 4.30 časova zahvatio porodičnu kuću u Skrađanima kod Šapca povređena je jedna osoba.
Na premijeri predstave u Varaždinu, glumac i komičar Aleksandar Lazić iznenadio je svoju partnerku Natašu Popović, koja je ...
Predsednik Srbije Aleksandar Vučić uručio je danas ugovore o radu najboljim diplomcima medicinskih fakulteta i srednjih ...