In Maharashtra's Jalgaon, a tragic incident was reported on Wednesday. At least six persons killed after being hit by train ...
Passengers of the Pushpak Express, alarmed by a suspected fire, jumped off the train, and were hit by the Karnataka Express, ...
Thirteen people were killed in Maharashtra's Jalgaon district after a fire rumour on a train led to panic, causing passengers ...
In a post on X, Chief Minister Fadnavis asserted that the entire administration is working in coordination with the railway authorities.
Fourteen people were killed after a fire rumour on a train crossing Maharashtra's Jalgaon triggered panic among passengers, ...
The Centre has announced ex gratia payments of Rs 1.5 lakh each for the families of the victims who died in the Jalgaon train ...
A tragic train accident in Maharashtra kills 13 after passengers jump from train due to fire rumors and several injured.
The incident happened when passengers of the Pushpak Express had stepped outside their coaches due to a suspected fire on the ...
Jalgaon: At least 10 train passengers were killed after stepping down due to a rumour of fire and being run over by another ...
In Maharashtra's Jalgaon, a tragic incident was reported on Wednesday. At least six persons killed after being hit by train ...
Eleven people were killed on Wednesday after rumours of a fire on their train caused them to jump off and were crushed to death by another incoming train, officials said. The incident in the western ...
Eyewitnesses struggled to recount the horror when a train ran over several passengers who rushed out of the Lucknow-Mumbai ...