Welcome to the official website for the City of Oneonta where you’ll find public services, information, and updates. We're committed to providing efficient service to meet the needs of …
From the many beautiful public parks, including two major municipal parks right in the heart of our downtown, Neahwa Park and Wilber Park, local art and cultural institutions, and many diverse …
Legislative power of the City of Oneonta is vested in the Common Council, which enacts laws and manages and controls the finances and property of the City. The Council, presided by the …
You are riding one of New York State’s best and most acclaimed transportation systems. Thank you for your patronage. We in Oneonta take great pride in this service and hope that you will …
Direct requests to the Records Access Officer, Kerri Harrington, via email at kharrington@oneonta.ny.us or by using the mailing address listed above. The Freedom of …
The Oneonta Fire Department will work to prevent emergencies from happening through fire code enforcement, investigation, and public education. As an organization we strive to be the …
Oneonta's largest and most active park is located within easy walking distance of the downtown area. At the heart of Neahwa Park is historic Damaschke Field, home of the Perfect Game …