Our on-site technical support and discount sales team: WildMan Rocketry Be sure to E-Mail Tim Lehr or call 815-638-3200 in advance for launch day delivery.
Requirements: The LCO shall be a mature individual, at least 18 years old, certified Level 2 in TRA, and knowledgeable about rocket theory, motors and the high power rocketry safety regulations (NFPA 1127).
Jun 7, 2003 · The launch on Saturday will begin at 8 am and hoping to rap it up by 2 pm. So far we have 29 schools with level one rockets (I-284) and 9 schools with level two rockets (K-550). There will be other special launches performed by Tripoli Wisconsin Association to carry special payloads from local Engineering Universities.
Use the "New Topic" button to post your launch report. Each flight is a "topic", then others can "Reply" adding their comments to your flight log entry.
If we stick with this plan at least there will be a place to launch high power and low power rockets safely in southeastern WI. If anyone is interested, we've been launching in the class 1 area since 1996.