Frankenmuth News. Serving Frankenmuth Since 1906. Vol. 119 No. 27 In our 119th year! Wednesday, January 8, 2025-----Multi-agency cooperation finds missing man in Cass
Frankenmuth Insurance, and Michigan Works! Great Lakes Bay Region. RSVPs can be made by Thursday, January 9, by calling Ann Curtis at 989-652-8771 or, .
All classifieds must be paid in advance before they will appear in the Frankenmuth News. If you pay in advance for 2 weeks, receive the third week free (applies only to line ads NOT display ads). If you are interested call 989-652-3246; email: .
Four Frankenmuth varsity wrestlers were crowned with first-place finishes at the 52 nd annual Saginaw County Wrestling Tournament. Organized since 1973 by the Saginaw County Wrestling Association, this year’s event was held on Saturday, January 4, at Birch Run High School.
The Bier Garten will be open year around with beautiful views of the Cass River and will offer a place to relax and enjoy Heritage Park, have a picnic lunch, and enjoy outdoor dining during one of Frankenmuth’s many festivals.
Recently, Frankenmuth City Downtown Development Authority (DDA) Director Dan Hopp and Cass River Greenway Committee lead Bob Zeilinger have been collaborating for some time to establish real-time view capability to several Cass River amenities located in the river’s stretch within the city’s borders.
Frankenmuth News. Serving Frankenmuth Since 1906. Vol. 119 No. 25 In our 119th year! Wednesday, December 25, 2024-----NOW AVAILABLE . FRANKENMUTH IN PICTURES 2025 CALENDAR - PURCHASE BELOW. School crossing guard struck in FHS crosswalk